Monday 1 July 2019

Tag Rugby

Panthers class were lucky enough to take part in a tag rugby tournament at North Walsham Rugby Club. The children hadn't played the game before and had had a small amount of training with a coach from the rugby club.

Despite not having played the game, the children did excellently. They worked together as a team and celebrated each try they got. They were also excellent sportsman and shook hands with every team they played against.

I was very proud of the effort and teamwork they showed.

Mr Hall

Thursday 23 May 2019

Federation Day

This week, our federation all came together for a day devoted to learning about Malawi and what life is like for children there. KS2 learnt about the boy who harnessed the wind: William Kamkwamba. The children then build and tested an anemometer to see where the best place to place a wind turbine in our school. 

Mr Hall